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Do You Have The Mark Of The Beast?

Updated: Nov 25, 2021

Theres a lot of discussion about end times these days among Christians and it's pretty obvious why. It’s hard not to watch the news and wonder if we are indeed living in the last days. Which begs the question, will Christ return soon? And, if so, what will that look like and what are we watching for?

The Bible speaks of these questions, and there’s been much exposition written on the topic. Opinions tend to run hot when the conversation comes up, especially in these polarizing days. The end times have been the source of earnestly written christian books and poorly acted films. And every year that a new technology or medical break-through is invented like micro chips or vaccines, questions rise about the mark of the beast.

Revelation 13:16-17 is a place many Christians put their stake in as one of the main telltale signs of the end.

“Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast of the number of its name.”

John, who received this revelation is talking about a distinctive marker of how the world will respond to the end of all things as we know it. This is apocalyptic prophetic literature given to us to help us understand future realities of Christ’s return and the cosmic war between God and evil. The mark of the beast is clearly an evil mark, symbolizing satan’s dominion over human-kind. No one would argue with that. However what will that mark be? Is the inspired Words we read in Revelation meant to lead us into wild theories or fear of cultural traps?

One thing we have to recognize about Revelation first and foremost is that it is a book detailing future events with heavy symbolism. And a lot of the symbolism relates back to Old Testament Jewish symbolism. Reading Revelation with that helpful lens will make interpretation so much clearer.

For example in chapter 13 of Revelation we see the first beast rising; giving foresight to a future opponent of Christ in the days to come. It’s important to note that this beast resembles the four beasts that appeared to Daniel in a vision (Daniel 7:1-8). Which means in order to make sense of Revelation we must go to Daniel for help. This is how Scriptures interprets Scripture and elluminates the Word for us.

The book of Revelation goes on to make more startling claims about the end times. In verse 11 of chapter 13, the second beast is revealed and he’s described as being a liar. Often referred to as a false prophet with great influence. This beast even has “signs” or miracles that persuade earth-dwellers into submission. And people will ultimately find themselves branded by a marker, one that express’ their allegiance to this beast. A mark that the text specifically says will be imprinted on our forehead and right hand. This kind of specificity requires some digging.

Now would be a good time to consult the Old Testament again as an aid for understanding.

In Deuteronomy 6, (verses 4-9) Moses is given the greatest commandment that he is tasked by God to share with His chosen people. And it is called the Shema, which became a daily prayer for the Jewish people.

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.

Every ancient Jew would have had this verse memorized and on the tip of their tongue regularly. And it is with this Jewish lens that we ought to read all of Scripture. Most importantly Revelation. Did you notice where the people of God were told to bind this beautiful truth about God's Lordship?

The hand and the forehead.

Did this mean they needed to somehow paste these words on their hand or tattoo them on their forehead? Is this a literal command?

Of course not. Hebrews at the time would have known exactly what this means. The frontlets between your eyes (or forehead) was widely understood to mean your Mind. Meaning, what God’s people think in regards to who God is, matters. Binding on your hand was known to mean their actions and how their behaviour reveal what they believed about God.

In thought and deed they were to love the Lord their God, and this was a sign of true belief and allegiance to the Lord. This distinction is of infinite importance when we begin to read the book of Revelation.

With this understanding, what we see now is that the mark of the beast in Revelation is more likely to look like people living an evil life in thought and deed. They will have put aside the great Shema, for the folly of the beast. People of every wage bracket, political ideology and socio-economic category will fall prey to a debased mind and sinful action. This will be a sign unto us that the beast is at work. This will be the revealing marker of whether someone loves God or prefers the beast.

As tempting as it is for us to feel as though our role as Christians in this confused world is to be some kind of beast hunter, we must pause and use better judgement. In 2008 when President Barrack Obama was made president, many Christians called him the anti-christ. Much of the same language was used when President Donald Trump was made president in 2016. When the debit card started to become widely used in the 90's there were assumptions made about it being the mark of the beast. And certainly we have seen many theories in the last couple years about medical technologies being of Satan.

Every generation has a propensity to believe their living in the last times. And as Christians we have a long and strong history of declaring and sharing who we believe the anti-Christ is and what is certain to be his evil mark. And all of it seems to be shrouded in fear. Not Godly fear, but panicked "we don't have control" fear. I do believe the incentive to this kind of christian fear is obedience. However it's a lousy long-term motivator.

All of this behaviour reveals our view of God. It's like we think He's a trickster. Like His divine plan is to trick His followers into using a technology that ends up being the mark of the beast. And that is a pretty low view of God. Even though we are called to stay alert for the Lords return (Matthew 24), the application is meant to encourage us not to grow stagnant or "fall asleep" to the call of God, which is to fulfill the great commission. It does not mean we ought to be anxious internet sleuths, spreading and sharing every political or ideological speculation about end times all over social media.

This is not discernment. The Shema leaves little room for such theories.

If we really want to address the mark of the beast we have to start with ourselves. Does the Shema live inside me? Do I know who God is?

What is my temperature of affection for Christ? Is it ever present in my heart, soul and strength? Are my actions to my friends and even enemies a reflection of this unbridled love?

If someone were to peek through my emails and text messages and comment sections, what would they believe about the God I follow?

Jesus reaffirmed the Shema in Matthew 22:34-40, giving relevant emphasis to this command as still being priority for Christians today. This command is all-encompassing and requires total devotion to God, which includes obedience to the rest of the commandments. Not out of panicky fear, but out of heart, soul and mind allegiance to Christ. And loving your neighbour as yourself (which Jesus adds in 22:39), is the embodiment of frontlets and hand love for the Lord. How we treat our neighbor is the outward proof of a love for God.

Right now a great reckoning is taking place for christians. The truth of allegiance is being revealed in terrible ways. Some have discovered their hope has been more shackled to a political party than in Christ. Others have been exposed of having an online or hidden lifestyle that is far from the example and teachings of Christ. All of us have shown true colours about our lack of grace in the last couple years in one way or the other.

Are we in the last days?

Maybe so.

We will never know the day and moment of its finality (Matthew 24:36), but we should always take notice of what’s happening inside us personally. The mark of the beast has less to do with technology and political leaders and more to do with us. From Genesis to Revelation, God has always been after our heart. And He remains consistent.

Love the Lord, love your neighbor, live the great commission and be at peace about what the future holds.

Then our mark will be the Shema and the beast will claim no part of us.

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